El primer Museo del Circo de Europa abre sus puertas en España dentro de un monasterio medieval

El primer Museo del Circo de Europa abre sus puertas en España dentro de un monasterio medieval
El primer Museo del Circo de Europa abre sus puertas en España dentro de un monasterio medieval

🇪🇸 Conseguía mover autobuses tirando de ellos con una simple cuerda sujeta a los dientes. También era capaz frenar motos con las manos o arrastrar camiones con la melena. E incluso…

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Elmundo Viaje El primer Museo del Circo de Europa abre sus puertas en España dentro de un monasterio medieval


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Clubs remain closed but bars and restaurants are coming back to life in Ibiza

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International Travel, Business, and Marketing Expert Lassi Pensikkala
Experto en viajes y negocios internacionales Lassi Pensikkala

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By Economist Lassi Pensikkala - International and cross-cultural news writer: Business, Travel, and Golf

Lassi Pensikkala is the creator of AmerExperience.com. He writes regularly providing thought leadership on topics related to Travel, Golf, and International Cross-cultural Business. You can follow him on Telegram or connect on Linkedin. You can read his travel, business and golf news in Google News, Flipboard, and Social media. Expertise: International Travel and Business Expert, Creator of AmerExperience.com and Avid Golfer - Education: Studied Foreign Trade in Business College of Turku Finland, and Economy, Psychology and Sociology at the University of Hamburg graduated as MSc(Econ) - Language skills: Multilingual - English, German, Spanish, Swedish and Finnish - Life philosophy: “Live freely, seek knowledge, and be open to the richness of life’s experiences.” Lassi Pensikkala, hailing from Finland, has devoted four decades to living abroad. His curiosity to learn about other countries, cultures, and languages began at a very young age. The late 1950s and the '60s marked the golden era of Rock'n Roll, student movements, and the first moon landing. Nordic people enjoyed the freedom to travel seamlessly among Scandinavian countries, including Finland, without the need for passports. This enduring sense of freedom remains paramount for Scandinavians today. True freedom involves exploring, learning about new countries and languages, and connecting with diverse people. -

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