FIVE FROM FINLAND: Mental health and wellbeing

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Mental Health Solutions Finland

With mental health issues becoming more pressing than ever before amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Finnish innovators are extending a helping hand to those going through tough times.

Anyone can experience mental distress at some point in their life, irrespective of age, home country or social status. In fact, one in four people are affected by mental health problems, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

In recent months, the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated lockdowns, social distancing and radical lifestyle changes have been a major source of stress and anxiety for millions of people around the globe, resulting in surging demand for mental healthcare and counselling. The pandemic, however, has disrupted or halted critical mental health services in many countries and escalated mental health issues globally.

Below are five Finnish companies on a mission to support mental health and wellbeing with their innovative solutions.

Meru Health

Meru Heath’s solution is delivered via an app with support from remote licensed therapists and psychiatrists.

Created by an experienced team of scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs, Meru Health is a digital therapy platform that offers a clinically proven treatment programme for depression, anxiety and burnout with long-lasting effects. By providing people with efficient digital tools, Meru Health wants to solve the global issue of poor or no access to mental health services and make mental healthcare accessible to everyone in need of it.

“The Meru Health solution is based on three evidence-based therapies: cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness-based interventions, and behavioural activation, delivered via an app with support from remote licensed therapists and psychiatrists,” explained CEO Kristian Ranta.

Particularly active in the US market, Meru Health’s programme has seen a handful of deployments there. In 2017, the Palo Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF) looked to Meru Health as a solution to prevent burnout and depression among physicians. Earlier this year, Meru Health partnered with Mental Health Center of Denver and one of the US’s largest health insurance companies, Cigna.

Meru Health envisions it will empower 10 million people suffering from mental health challenges by 2027. The ambitious goal is backed with substantial funding. In May this year, the company raised 8.1 million US dollars (approx. 7.5 million euros) and was boosted by a 4.2 million-euro investment in 2019.

Lassi Pensikkala: “As content curator my job is to collect important data with high-value, and with human touch for my readers, and to bring it all to one place. I select for you interesting, relevant, and valuable Business Success, and Business Psychology related articles to read from the international and trusted press.” Lassi Pensikkala, International Business Expert and Entrepreneur, has studied Economics, Psychology and Sociology at the University of Hamburg, graduated with Master of Science in Economics MSc(Econ). He is multilingual, speaking English, Spanish, German, Swedish and Finnish, and is the founder of “I keep my readers up to date with news that interests them. This article is worth reading – I recommend it to you.” 

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Mental Health Solutions Finland



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By Economist Lassi Pensikkala - International and cross-cultural news writer: Business, Travel, and Golf

Lassi Pensikkala is the creator of He writes regularly providing thought leadership on topics related to Travel, Golf, and International Cross-cultural Business. You can follow him on Telegram or connect on Linkedin. You can read his travel, business and golf news in Google News, Flipboard, and Social media. Expertise: International Travel and Business Expert, Creator of and Avid Golfer - Education: Studied Foreign Trade in Business College of Turku Finland, and Economy, Psychology and Sociology at the University of Hamburg graduated as MSc(Econ) - Language skills: Multilingual - English, German, Spanish, Swedish and Finnish - Life philosophy: “Live freely, seek knowledge, and be open to the richness of life’s experiences.” Lassi Pensikkala, hailing from Finland, has devoted four decades to living abroad. His curiosity to learn about other countries, cultures, and languages began at a very young age. The late 1950s and the '60s marked the golden era of Rock'n Roll, student movements, and the first moon landing. Nordic people enjoyed the freedom to travel seamlessly among Scandinavian countries, including Finland, without the need for passports. This enduring sense of freedom remains paramount for Scandinavians today. True freedom involves exploring, learning about new countries and languages, and connecting with diverse people. -

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