Coronavirus, dengue y sarampión: la peligrosa combinación en América Latina de 3 epidemias cuyos síntomas pueden confundirse – BBC News Mundo

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Health and Meditech Online Stores - International Health News

La doble carga en Ecuador
La investigadora, quien está dirigiendo un estudio de dengue y zika en Ecuador, cree que esta “doble carga” podría estar ocurriendo ya en Guayaquil, Ecuador, donde recientemente se vio un aumento drástico en el número de muertos con la llegada de covid-19.
¿Por qué Ecuador tiene el mayor número de contagios y muertos per cápita de coronavirus en Sudamérica?
“No tenemos datos específicos, pero pensamos que tiene que ver con esta doble carga”, dice.
“Si ves las tablas epidemiológicas que publica Ecuador, la curva de dengue era muy alta (a principios de año) y de pronto en marzo, cuando empezó el covid-19, (el dengue) bajó a cero. Y no es que haya bajado a cero, sino que el sistema de salud se satura y nadie está realmente siguiendo específicamente los casos de dengue”
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Eco. Lassi Pensikkala

Founder of Amer Experience

Studied Economy, Psychology and Sociology at the University of Hamburg Germany. I speak English, German, Spanish, Swedish and Finnish | Created at The Pacific Coast of Americas

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By Economist Lassi Pensikkala - International and cross-cultural news writer: Business, Travel, and Golf

Lassi Pensikkala is the creator of He writes regularly providing thought leadership on topics related to Travel, Golf, and International Cross-cultural Business. You can follow him on Telegram or connect on Linkedin. You can read his travel, business and golf news in Google News, Flipboard, and Social media. Expertise: International Travel and Business Expert, Creator of and Avid Golfer - Education: Studied Foreign Trade in Business College of Turku Finland, and Economy, Psychology and Sociology at the University of Hamburg graduated as MSc(Econ) - Language skills: Multilingual - English, German, Spanish, Swedish and Finnish - Life philosophy: “Live freely, seek knowledge, and be open to the richness of life’s experiences.” Lassi Pensikkala, hailing from Finland, has devoted four decades to living abroad. His curiosity to learn about other countries, cultures, and languages began at a very young age. The late 1950s and the '60s marked the golden era of Rock'n Roll, student movements, and the first moon landing. Nordic people enjoyed the freedom to travel seamlessly among Scandinavian countries, including Finland, without the need for passports. This enduring sense of freedom remains paramount for Scandinavians today. True freedom involves exploring, learning about new countries and languages, and connecting with diverse people. -

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